Over 4,000 years of healing principles are deeply rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine. While this form of healing is somewhat new to the Western world, it has been employed to successfully enhance health in China for thousands of years. Within Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupressure is a practice developed to prevent illness and promote physical and emotional health, well-being and balance.
Using the same principles and theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture and acupressure are excellent tools for enhancing the health of the equine. Both practices use the same acupressure points and meridians to achieve the desired health benefits however, acupuncture uses needles, while acupressure uses the noninvasive technique of touch on the acupoints. Since the skin is pierced, acupuncture is by law, limited in practice to veterinarians.
Using acupressure points found along the 12 major meridians, the practitioner can effect physical and emotional balance in the equine, using fingertips and gentle pressure. Chi (Qi), or the “Life force energy”, flows through the meridians of the body and Chi concentrations can be accessed at various acupressure points along the meridians, close to the surface of the skin. Through the understanding of the tenets of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Acupressure Practitioner can enhance the healthy flow of Chi, blood and body fluids thereby, influencing the overall health of the equine. |
Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on the concept of Chi energy, which is found in every living being. It can be thought of as a wavelength flowing through the body. Chi flows, along with blood and body fluids to nourish, protect, and promote a healthy body, mind, and spirit. The horse will enjoy health if Chi is balanced and flowing unimpeded, to all parts of the body. When Chi is blocked, the horse is more vulnerable to injury, emotional, and health issues.
Some Benefits of Balanced Chi include:
- Immune System Support
- Healthy Organ Systems
- Quicker Recovery from Illness
- Efficient Healing from Injury
- Strong Spirit & Mental Acuity
The cornerstone of Traditional Chinese Medicine is the balance of Chi and Yin and Yang, Neither Yin nor Yang can exist without the other. They are opposite and complimentary qualities that are interdependent, can transform into each other, and are in a constant state of dynamic balance. When one is in excess or deficient, balance is compromised. In order for optimum health to exist in your equine, a balance of Yin and Yang must be maintained. |
The equine body is connected internally and externally by an intricate network of meridians or pathways that integrate the whole of the animal. There are 12 major meridians that are associated with the major organs of the body. There are also 8 extraordinary vessels, two of which are consistently used to compliment interactions between the major meridians. The meridians communicate with the major organs of the body by circulating Chi, blood, and body fluids in the form of energy and nutrients to tissues such as, tendons, muscles, bones, joints and the internal organ systems so they can function healthfully and harmoniously. This network is also responsible for protecting the body from external pathogens and transmitting the therapeutic benefit of acupressure. |
Acupoints are analogous to concentrations, or pools of Chi energy located close to the surface of the body. There are over 350 acupressure points located on the meridians. The points are typically located in the depressions between muscles, tendons, and bones. Running through the meridians, Chi can be easily accessed through touch to effect the health of the equine. The acupoints along a specific meridian can effect change to the organ, or the organ system it is related to, or to the local area where the point is found. |